For YEARS I have believed that gluten sensitivity leads to Celiac's Disease...and according to this doctor, I was right! My theory, is that most sensitivities will lead to an actual disease or aggravated condition. For example, I am insulin resistant. If I ignore my insulin sensitivity and don't take care of my body, I will get type 2 diabetes; that is a fact. A coworker of mine is currently battling Colitis. His doctor informed him that if he doesn't take care of his body now and do everything he can to heal his body, his Colitis will turn into Crohns. The doctor in the video even mentions that Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis and other forms of Colitis are results of gluten sensitivity.

So, what does this mean? It means it's time to wake up and grow up. If your body has a problem, take care of it. We need to stop making excuses for why we can't or don't want to make changes, and make them. It usually takes something dramatic, drastic and sadly, life or death situations before we are willing to make food changes for our health. Don't wait to be told you are "incurable", that you have no hope of ever getting better, and start making changes today. Another coworker told me the other day she has Ulcerative Proctitis, ulcers in her lower intestine. For 2 years she has dealt with side effects from this disease, including bleeding. After doses of heavy drugs, which didn't work, she was told that there was nothing else to be done, just live with it. And you know what? She went to see my naturopath who put her on a Paleo diet. Within 2 weeks, the bleeding was gone. GONE!!! She said even her other heavy drugs NEVER stopped the bleeding.

People, wake up. Our world is full of toxic food. It would be great if we could all buy organic and free range, but I know that I can't and I am sure others can't as well. But you do have the power to start making better decisions for your health. You do have the power to start consuming foods that won't harm your body. Diet and nutrition DO matter. Put down the doughnut and make a paleo doughnut, one that won't kill you.

The below video is VERY informative. It made me a firm believer that anyone who has a gluten sensitivity should watch their grain intake as gluten is not the only grain causing inflammation leading to other gut sensitivities, etc; confirming my belief in the Paleo diet. I know I will need to watch it again as there is SO much information.

A HUGE thank you to my friend TL, who introduced me to Check them out for some more astounding research!